Improve my Housing "We entrusted Becausse with the creation of our site dedicated to the promotion of the national program "Habiter Mieux". Our desire was to be visible and to generate traffic on our core business and the terms related to our approved consulting activity. by the National Housing Agency (Anah). Results, in a few months, this brand new site is positioned on average in 2nd or 3rd position, on the Google search "Anah". This good referencing generates very qualified visits, which are then redirected to our departmental offices to generate business. With Becausse, we have really become aware of the strategic importance of optimized referencing." Michel PELENC - Managing Director of Habitat & Development

Sector: Consulting firm for home improvement and energy savings

Advice on home improvement, Anah approved design office, energy savings.


  • Creation of a self-administered site under Joomla, free open source license.
  • Creation and optimization of the contact generation process.
  • Addition of self-administered highlight and news sliders by Habitat & Développement
  • SEO optimizations content / structure / linking.
  • Creation and management of ad hoc Google Adwords campaigns on qualified terms for lead generation.
Improve my Housing